Today is such a boring day!!! I've over 10 days off from PUC for Christmas!!!Nothing to do, and some bad stuffs always happen, especially at NUM!!!
My teachers at NUM teach a very uninterested lessons and a hopeless examinations. My life is spinning around like the whole world is spinning too, a stupid mind always come to me and i really feel all alone. This Christmas will be a lonely time for me, it'll never ever be like high school. In high school i can have fun with friends but in College it's difficult to find friends in order to have fun, bad enought?
I know some of my old friends won't feel like me because they may find some new friends, at least for walking accompany!For me, i can't find even one friend to walk with when i have to go down stair after finish class. People might think that I'm crazy, huh? Why do i have to care about friends?cuz friends are everywhere!!!
For me, it's different, friends this time mean friends forever!!! And i don't know why i turnd out to be a lonely person like this cuz i used to be a very talkative girl during high school time!!!
I hope it just a stupid emotion, and it'll be vinish after this Christmas!!!